Sunday, September 5, 2010!

My girls have been bugging to learn how to sew excited have I been that they want to learn sewing? Something they can do with me?!!! Something that I like doing, that they want to learn? WOW! So, I showed them how to thread the machine and the bobbin, and then let them at it! They practiced sewing straight lines, curved lines and then they sewed a circle on the practice cloth....they LOVED it and have been bugging to do it again, but this time to make something! I am so excited that they enjoy it, and want to sew some more! They have a list of things they want to sew...starting with an apron, or a stuffed pig, or clothes for their bears..or.....we'll see.



1 comment:

  1. wow you are growing up to fast for me i can,t follow you i,m 59 years old and i don,t even have a sewing machine.You will have to show me went i,ll visit you in december.Keep going like that Mom and Dad must been proud of you.

