Tuesday, September 15, 2009

just the girls

Pierre had a meeting last night, so the girls and I drove to Port Dover to get hot dogs at the Arbor. Emma and Abigail loved it....as you can tell from these pictures. And then we went down to the beach for a while. Abigail kept running down the beach waving her arms in the air chasing the seagulls, and Emma kept trying to go further into the water with her clothes on. Silly girls!








another big first

Abigail lost her first tooth yesterday!!!!!It's hard to get a picture of such a teeny tiny little thing. She was so excited! (After the screaming and crying when she saw the blood!) She even wrote the Tooth Fairy a note asking to keep the tooth so I could put it in my scrapbook.



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

back to school

It's the first day back today! There was a lot of excitement mixed with some butterflies in the tummy this morning. Both girls are thrilled about the teachers they have this year and Abby finally has her best friend back in her class!!!! Both girls go everyday now. Where has the time gone?


Monday, September 7, 2009

curse the graphic t

Emma just loves her graphic Ts. They are her favourite shirts to wear. They are cute, but when the opportunity comes up to take a picture, they just are not the best. I want her to be comfortable and develop her own style, so I guess I'll just put up with the graphic T in photos. (She has agreed to wear whatever I want her to as long as she gets to wear her new Converse running shoes!) I can't wait to take her out for those pictures.
I processed the picture of Emma 2 different ways. I'm not sure which one I like better. The second one has a bit of a vintage feel to it...I guess it kind of goes with the peace sign on her t-shirt.


And Abby absolutely LOVES posing.....can you tell?


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

favourite summer fun

We, I mean the girls, spent most of the summer swimming in the pool. The novelty of taking pictures of them swimming kind of wore off last summer, so there aren't a lot to choose from. Abby still doesn't want to swim without the life jacket, but Emma has turned into a little mermaid! She jumps, and does somersaults, is working on her handstand, and swims the length of the pool underwater. She loves the water!


