Friday, May 14, 2010

a big decision

Today, we had a big decision....actually, Emma made this decision about 2 years ago, and I am the one who needed to decide if it was ok. Emma has been bugging for a long time now to get bangs....and I finally gave in! She has promised me she will let me straighten her hair if it needs it, so I finally made the appointment and let her get bangs! I am so proud of her for taking a chance. She knew what she wanted and didn't stop until she got it! I hope that is a character trait she keeps! She is just as beautiful in the after shot as she was in the before picture taken this morning. (And she is looking so grown up in both pictures!)



  1. Thank-you SO much!! Emma

  2. wow Emma you are so pretty and looking older i really love that look i,m anxious to see you in person love memere

  3. Aww she looks super cute. We're doing the opposite here. Abby's always had bangs, but decided she wanted to grow them out. I fought a while one it, but finally let her. We're just getting past that annoying in her eyes all the time stage. Thank goodness.

