Tuesday, December 15, 2009

i ♥ faces - "pets only"

Over at I ♥ Faces, the theme this week is Pets.
This is my sweet puggle Max the first week we had him.


I love this shot because he has his paw 'backwards' under his head, and I thought it was quite a strange position, at the time I was so happy I captured such a cute picture! Max is now 1 1/2 years old and he STILL sleeps like this! He's such a goof!
Check out the other pictures at


  1. I love all the browns in this photo, and very cute dog!

  2. How beautiful! He is a pretty color! That paw thing is so weird (but cute) My dog sleeps on her back with both paws straight up in the air, is so weird what dogs do sometimes!

  3. He is beautiful and what a great shot!

  4. awww Max is heart-meltingly precious. What a great photo for this week's contest!

