Tuesday, January 6, 2009

happy new year!

Santa Baby
Besides the regular New Year's Resolutions (lose weight, eat better, spend more quality time with the family...) I have promised myself to maintain this blog. This is a new thing for me, but I am having fun trying to figure it out and playing with the computer. As well as pics and stories about the family, I will be posting photos I have taken and am playing with. I seem to have been bitten by the 'shutterbug' again. Ever since my first camera was put in my hands when I was about 6 years old, I have loved taking pictures! But I have a renewed obsession with this hobby since the world has gone digital! I am hoping that very soon, it will turn from just a hobby to something a little bigger than that.

Above is a photo of Emma, my Santa Baby! I just love the red hat and space in the middle of her teeth! Although you have to look closely for the hole in her teeth, she has a habit of sticking her tongue through it! (makes you start humming that Christmas classic doesn't it?)

1 comment:

  1. this is very cool,do not stop working on this project.

    wow auntie jackie, your pictures are really awesome.

    memere and eliane

