Wednesday, February 24, 2010

go CANADA go!!!!!!

Even our snowman is cheering for Team Canada!!!!


let it snow let it snow...

It finally got cold enough to snow. It finally snowed enough to accumulate on the ground. It finally stayed cold enough to stay for a couple of days. It finally warmed up a little so the snow would be packing snow when the kids got home from school. The girls went out into the backyard as soon as they got home from school, and started creating!



And Abby got out the sand pails and made a 'snow castle'!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

another one off to fairyland

Abby has finally lost her second tooth! They don't seem to want to fall out of her mouth. This one has been loose for what seems like forever, and had caused quite a bit of pain the last couple of weeks for her. Her adult tooth was impatient about coming in, started to erupt right behind the baby tooth, and was almost all the way in before her poor baby tooth would give up and fall out.

Now this is her cute little smile. She makes me laugh!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

making our own fun and lots of chocolate!

Cold weather but no snow makes for a pretty boring winter. We haven't been doing very much so far this year....we have had to come up with ways to entertain ourselves. Unfortunately for Morley, this meant dressing her up in Pierre's glasses one day. She was such a good sport.


For Valentine's Day, we put cut out hearts all over the back of the girls' bedroom doors with messages on them...
'You are sweet'
'You are a good friend'
'You are a great helper'
'You are an awesome daughter'
Stuff like that. Kind of like a giant Valentine's card. They both were really happy about the notes. Pierre made us chocolate waffles for breakfast....mmmmm, they were GOOD!!!! Then for dinner, he made us this!


Talk about decadent! What a great daddy/hubby!!!
