Tuesday, June 30, 2009

strawberry pickin'

We took the girls strawberry picking today. We were only in the field for less than a half an hour. We got about 15 cups of strawberries! We already made strawberry sauce for ice cream, and strawberry rhubarb crisp will be dessert tomorrow night! Here are a few pictures from the pickin' today! How cute are our girls?







summer fun

Well, Summer Vacation has begun. We are going to have an EXTREMELY economical summer this year......So what do you do when your kids are home for the summer, you don't want to spend a lot of money, and they are expecting to be entertained everyday? Our solution this summer is a 'Summer Fun' jar. The girls and I sat down and decided on a long list of free and almost free activities to do together as a family or with one parent (when the other one is working) This is a short list of what we have in the jar. I hope to document and post all of our fun activities and adventures through the summer, so keep checking back. Happy Summer!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

our sk grad

Abigail had her SK Graduation yesterday at school. Our little baby girl is on her way to full day school in grade 1 next year. She has come so far this year! She is so excited that she is reading now. She has gone up 4 reading levels since she started at the beginning of the year, and is reading constantly!
In SK, they do 'invented spelling'. When Abigail started trying to spell on her own, she had a really hard time with her confidence, she HATED doing it....now she loves it! She is spelling so well now, and more importantly, is willing to TRY it on her own! I am so proud of my girl!


Monday, June 22, 2009

heritage days traditions

We have been going to the pancake breakfast and parade at the Ancaster Heritage Days ever since I was 6 years old......it has become a family tradition. Over the years, we have added a few spouses, and a whole generation- Astrid, Emma, Abigail, Carter and Jack. Here is a small collection of the festivities this year......


Sunday, June 21, 2009

my little model

A couple of weeks ago, Abigail ASKED to go out to take some pictures. At first she wanted to go back to the 'haunted' door, but we decided to go to the railroad station and tracks and then down to the river. I just LOVE these photos of her. She knew TOO well what to do, I didn't prompt her at all for any poses! A couple of times, I even had to tell her to put her hip in a little cuz she's not 16, only 6!!








..and I turned this into this......

